Senin, 14 November 2011

Minggu, 13 November 2011


Let's learn about Integers.
Addition and subtraction are common skill needed for us when we learn Mathematics.
In daily life and in most all of Mathematics topic we do addition and subtraction.
In fact, a lot of students make mistake about it. .
If you need explanation about Integers please read and  click here
If you need to play using cards while learning click here (Indonesian) or English or wacth the video
After learning the material, you can try to check your understanding about Integers, take the Quiz please
click quiz
After you learn the topic, and take the quiz, what is your what is your opinion?
Do you have any difficulty, or anything to share? Let's discuss in this forum here

Sabtu, 12 November 2011

The Ancient Mathematics at Prambanan Temple

Prambanan is the biggest Hindus temple in Indonesia located in Sleman, is about 18 km form Yogyakarta IndonesiaThe temple was recovered after the earthquake in 16th century, and the last on 2006.
The famous legend at Prambanan temple is Bandung Bondowoso and Loro Jonggrang
Today, Nov 13, 2011  we are the participants of Mathematics Mobile Learning observe what kind of Mathematical Concepts can find at the Prambanan temple. Some of them are  system of linear equations in two variables , symmetry, sequence, pattern, slope, etc.
When we will enter the gate, we have to by ticket. The ticket price is different for foreigner,  system of linear equations in two variables

The Master of MML, give a direction to all participants to explore Prambanan temple

Over all, the way of they located the main temple and others was consider symmetry concept. In each building appear many part of it show symmetry concept, look at each temple, from the top to the bottom,  at every  level we can see that  symmetry concept appear.
Considered stairs at the exit gate in the temple   is apear slope concept. 

The blocks are arranged and appear look like a line form.  
By looking at the whole building, and compare each level from bottom to the top, we can see the decrease of width at each level
You can try to observe and find another Mathematical concept that appear  at Prambanan temple, have a nice day

Rabu, 09 November 2011

Senin, 07 November 2011

Pembahasan UN 2011

Silahkan dimanfaatkan sebaik baiknya pembahasan UN 2011

Screen casting

Today Nov 7, 2011, we learn alot of software for screen cast, we learn multi media audio and video, how to convert it, ect. wait for the produk

Minggu, 06 November 2011

Penyelesaian SPLDV

Sistem Persamaan Linear Dua Variabel dapat diselesaikan dalam beberapa cara, untuk siswa SMP ada dua cara yang harus dikuasai. RIngkasannya dapat diklik disini

Jenis-jenis segitiga

Jenis-jenis segitiga dapat dipelajari berdasarkan besar sudut atau panjang sisi.
Informasi ringkas dapat di klik disini

Teorema Pythagoras

Berikut tips singkat belajar teorema pythagoras
download, disini

Sabtu, 05 November 2011

Social Network

Banyak fasilitas social network yang tersedia, ada yang dapat dikembangkan untuk pembelajaran. Bisa melaksanakan tes online, pemberian tugas mandiri terstruktur online, bisa attach file, dll.
Fasilitas yang tersedia ada yang gratis ada yang tidak. Anda berminat?

coba klik disini
atau disini dan foto ini

Untuk teman-teman MGMP Matematika Kab Malang, akan ada jadwal khusus untuk belajar topik ini, tunggu waktunya

Jumat, 04 November 2011

MML Nov 4th

Today we learn about developing mobile content, Social Network, That is a good topics, I will learn more about it.

Rabu, 02 November 2011

Course on Developing Lesson Study 2011, Qitep in Math

Followed by 24 participants from SEAMEO member countries, Course on Developing Lesson Study conducted by Qitep in Math Yogya, March 20 - April 9 2011

RPP Matematika Berkarakter

Teman teman yang membutuhkan contoh RPP berkarakter yang telah disusun peserta MGMP Matematika SMP Kabupaten Malang dapat membuka di link berikut:

Bisa didownload disini